Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

One First Little Step for Neighbor Children



Since February-18th 2007

From 08.00 till 10.00 AM every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Address :
Jl. Sambongjaya no 103 B RT 05 RW 10 Kelurahan Sambongjaya Kecamatan Mangkubumi Kota Tasikmalaya Kode Pos 46181 Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Phone : +62265340402, +628122060859

Aisyiyah Sambongjaya Play Group (ASPG) is a non-profit institution of preschool children education founded to realize a simple idea of preparing children before they join formally in elementary school. ASPG offers some activities for children to stimulate their basic potentials abilities in their age of physical growth and psychological development.

As an institution founded to serve community especially around it neighborhood area, ASPG recruits neighbor children especially from under-developed families economically as the real fact that can be found there.

ASPG Management Board

Owner : Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiyah Sambongjaya
Head Master : Pipih Sopiah
Teachers : Idah Mardiani, Siti Noor Farida, S. Ag., Rita Roslia, S. Ag.

Senin, 27 April 2009

Muhammadiyah Ideological Knowledge

A must read about Muhammadiyah...............

Rabu, 15 April 2009


Art Education in Indonesia : Towards an Integrated Curriculum
by : Endo Suanda

Formal Education in the Arts

In Indonesia, as elsewhere in the world, elementary school classes are taught by general teachers, not by specialists; teachers teach all subjects: including mathematics, language and art. In high schools expert teachers are employed. Art is generally taught by specialized art teachers, who studied art to become art teachers. These art teachers are generally skilled in one discipline, be it visual art, music, etc. Most schools only have one art teacher, with the result that generally only one type of art is taught. This is problematic, because students need to be made aware of the whole range of arts.
The art colleges in Indonesia have at least three departments: music, theatre and dance, sometimes they also teach puppetry. In Indonesia there are around 10 art colleges, which produce 500 graduates each year. These art schools are oriented towards teaching techniques. But if, for example, the teaching of music is restricted only to teaching technical aspects, students are not actually learning the meaning, context and value of music.
Almost all “art” that is taught is based on a western art system. The colours in the visual arts, the tuning in the music, the plots, staging and design in theatre, all are based on western (classical and modern) norms. This is problematic in a multicultural country such as Indonesia, which is so rich in its own art forms with a wide range of concepts of colours and space, and as much variety in art as there is in cultures – from the Javanese to the Sumatran. If the concept of “art” is taught as one, singular, western based concept, the Indonesian students will not appreciate their own art-forms
or even recognize them as arts.
There is a gap between concepts taught at school and the social reality. In reality we have complexity but we are not taught to appreciate it. Also, the art taught in school does not teach the students to understand complex phenomena. Students are taught to see things in a neat and orderly way. Subjects are divided and are the interconnections are ignored. Because of this, subjects such as music and theatre are taught separately.

Creation Of An Integrated Arts Curriculum

At the current time, living traditional culture is not brought into schools, and school curricula do not reflect the realities of community life. We therefore need to develop tools and means of bridging the gap between communities and schools and enabling students to learn about and appreciate their own cultures and heritage.
Our goal is not only to teach skills in the arts, we also want to impart a general appreciation of art. We want to give students the chance to become specialists on their own, but also want to develop an audience. We need a good audience to get good art.
We conceive art as a social phenomenon, as culture. The learning of art is of value in expressing culture. We want to teach people to enjoy and respect their own and other cultures.
We therefore need to create a curriculum which does not separate dance, music and drama, because in reality these are not separate entities. We should not separate, for example, gong, mask and dance, because these are interconnected systems. We should not separate cognitive, psychological and affective, because in reality these belong
together. We should try not only to teach technical aspects, but also the contextual.

ps: Mr. Endo Suanda is my Extraordinary Culture based Art Teacher.

Minggu, 05 April 2009

Heaven Knows by Rick Price

She's always on my mind
From the time I wake up
'Til I close my eyes
She's everywhere I go
She's all I know

Though she's so far away
It just keeps getting stronger every day
And even now she's gone
I'm still holding on

So tell me where do I start
'Cause it's breaking my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find their way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows

My friends keep telling me
That if you really love her
You've gotta set her free
And if she returns in kind
I'll know she's mine

So tell me where do I start
'Cause it's breaking my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find their way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows

Why I live in despair
'Cause wide awake or dreaming
I know she's never there
And all these time I act so brave
I'm shaking inside
Why does it hurt me so

Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find their way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows

Heaven knows

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009



Vita è bella, La

Vita è bella, La (1997)

Roberto Benigni
Vincenzo Cerami (story) &
Roberto Benigni (story)

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Art Gallery Around the World

Our website is dedicated to bringing you the very best of Scottish contemporary art from the most celebrated Scottish artists.

Browse our site and you will find some of the most beautiful, powerful, vibrant and thought-provoking paintings being created in Scotland. It is a diverse scene, but we have the expertise to offer you both internationally established artists and their younger contemporaries.

In a bold and innovative step, we own and have in stock all the original artwork we exhibit. We believe this offers our customers a more reliable, immediate service, and, furthermore, allows us to give financial support to up-and-coming artists, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

The full diversity of Scottish contemporary art is revealed in the artists catalogues, with something for every taste. These paintings together create a rich blend of inspiration, from the prosaic to the beautiful, the religious to the taboo, the humorous to the profound.

All the art shown on this site is original and for sale. We do not sell prints - only originals.
We hope you enjoy your visit and promise you the very best of service if you decide to purchase.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

The Origin of PONARI SWEAT by Hillman

Believe it or not ????
Some Indonesian phenomenon. No need logical involvement to solve many kind of healthy problems. Just Sugestion, --blowed up by news mass media, of 'course--. Making money & increasing neigbourhood economical activities.
Let's find out how many news center report the real result of that "stonned water"......

News / National / Article
Nivell Rayda

‘Ponari Sweat’ Magic Blasted As Ignorance and Exploitation

Medical, sociological and religious experts separately expressed their condemnation of a child mystic phenomenon and called on the government to take action to protect the child’s rights and better educate the public.
Thousands of people, some from as far as the island of Kalimantan, have been gathering outside the house of Muhammad Ponari, a child believed to have mystical healing powers, in Jombang, East Java Province for more than a month.
People believe that they can be healed by drinking water into which the nine-year-old boy has dipped a magic stone. He is said to have found the stone on his head after he was struck by lightning.
Patients, some with terminal diseases, wait for days and pay millions of rupiah for the magical water dubbed “Ponari Sweat,” a play on the name of popular isotonic drink Pocari Sweat.
One of the patients, Dimas, aged three-and-a-half, died on Wednesday after the treatment was unable to save him. He was quickly rushed to a hospital but doctors were unable to save the young child’s life.
Four other people have died after they were crushed in stampedes to see Ponari.
Kartono Muhammad, a medical expert and former chairman of the Indonesian Medical Association, said that the phenomenon can be explained as the Indonesian mentality of wanting quick results with the smallest amount of effort.
“Not only in villages do we see this phenomenon, but also in big cities,” Kartono said. “People who want to be healed quickly go to a shaman. People who want to get rich, they also go to a shaman.”
“Rich or poor has nothing to do with it. These people pay millions and travel across the country. It’s like these people don’t use their common sense so they are easily persuaded by promises and quick-fix solutions.”
A social expert from University Darul Ulum in Jombang told state run Antara news agency that Indonesians were caught up in a romanticized mysticism, causing a belief in the irrational.
“Indonesian legends and myths all say that power and success are not acquired through rigorous struggle and effort,” he said. “Traditionally, powers are gained by chance or bestowed upon them via acts of faith.
“Years of tradition have embedded the concept in people’s subconscious. So modern treatment, where we endure physical pain and struggle, is not a very acceptable concept in the back of people’s minds.”
Salahuddin Wahid, one of the leaders of the country’s largest Muslim organization, the Nahdlatul Ulama, or NU, said that the phenomenon could be considered as worshipping something other than God, the most serious sin in Islam.
“If you believe that a stone can cure you then you are a sinner,” Salahuddin said. “Health comes from God so you should pray to Him and not to the boy.”
The government, Kartono said, must put a stop to the strange behavior. “The government must improve the health system so that it’s accessible for all,” he said. “If we do that, then people’s faith in modern medical treatment shall be restored.
“The government should also protect the child’s rights by allowing him to return to school. Right now, Ponari is being exploited by his parents and villagers for money.”

this is what IDI says :

1. Meminta semua pihak khususnya media masa untuk menghentikan pemberitaan/tayangan yang bersifat penyebarluasan segala cara pengobatan yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah ilmu kedokteran.

2. Menginstruksikan kepada semua Anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) untuk tidak membantu, memfasilitasi segala cara pengobatan yang belum terbukti secara ilmiah (belum terdapat bukti ilmiah yang cukup kuat dari sudut pandang ilmu kedokteran)

3. Meminta pemerintah c.q. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia untuk menertibkan semua cara pengobatan yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah ilmu kedokteran sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

4. Meminta kepada semua pihak untuk memanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya fasilitas kesehatan yang telah tersedia di seluruh Indonesia berupa: Balai Pengobatan, Puskesmas, Praktik Dokter Swasta, Rumah Sakit Negeri maupun Swasta.

5. Meminta kepada seluruh masyarakat untuk waspada dan tidak mudah terbujuk dengan berbagai pengobatan yang irasional, takhyul, coba-coba, memberi harapan/mukjizat palsu dan meminta petunjuk/nasihat kepada dokter terdekat atau petugas kesehatan resmi (Puskesmas, Dinas Kesehatan Kota/Kabupaten/Propinsi) bilamana menemui hal-hal di atas.